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Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

We kindly and highly recommend that you read and acquaint yourself with our Terms and Conditions here on our website, on a from booking to booking basis, as we keep the right to change and update our Terms and Conditions without further notice. 

By using the services of DreamFox Voyages and our website: or any DreamFox Voyages related and affiliated website and services, you agree to be legally bound by the following terms which takes effect immediately and upon getting in contact with DreamFox Voyages.

Should you not agree to any of the Terms and Conditions of DreamFox Voyages, and do not want to be legally bound, we kindly ask you to refrain from using our services and our website.

By using DreamFox Voyages services, you as the participating traveller, or any parties that you may represent who will be using DreamFox Voyages services, such as the company you are working for, or your client/s, etc., agree to not hold DreamFox Voyages or any of our partners, suppliers, etc., responsible for any kind of losses or any type of expenses due to delayes, cancellations or changes in flights, injuries, accidents, sickness, damage, strike, weather, political policies, war or other causes outside and beyond our control.

All such losses and expenses are to the personal responsibility of the traveler/s themselves.


Furthermore, you as the participating traveller, or any parties that you may represent who will be using DreamFox Voyages services, such as the company you are working for, or your client/s, etc., agree to not hold DreamFox Voyages or any of our partners, suppliers, etc., responsible for any type of injuries, accidents, sickness, damage or other causes outside and beyond our control, to you, or to your client/s and that you or your client/s, etc. are purely voluntarily participating in any of the activities provided.

Booking and Reservations Conditions

Bookings and reservations are made through e-mails.

Please note that bookings and reservations are not confirmed until payment has been fully received for the selected tours, activities, accommodation, etc. 

Payment can be made via bank transfer.


Once we have received the confirmation for the bookings and reservations, details for the bank transfer will be provided.

By using DreamFox Voyages services, you acknowledge that the general transmission of information and payment via either the internet, apps, 3rd party websites, etc. that you or your client/s, etc. may be using can contain inherently insecure risks, and that you acknowledge and agree to that DreamFox Voyages in the potential unfortunate event regards to any such matter, holds no responsibility in regards to this.


When you make a booking and reservation with us, we need the following personal information:

  • Full name of client/s as they appear in their passports that they intend to travel on


  • Company name (In cases where you are making reservations with us on behalf of your company or client/s)


  • Your preferred e-mail address (To make sure to fully keep in touch with you)


  • How many persons that are planning to go 


  • Client's nationality according to the passport they intend to travel on


  • Any type of personal/physical/medical condition/s which is of importance to the client's enjoyment of the trip

At DreamFox Voyages, we may share your provided information to our employees, insurers, advisers, agents, suppliers, partners, or any other parties involved in the booking and reservation process.


However, DreamFox Voyages will never share your personal information with or for any kind of 3rd party for the purpose of direct marketing.


Cancellation of reservations and land arrangements

Should there be cancellations or any type of changes of any kind, please note that these cancellations or any types of changes MUST be informed to DreamFox Voyages written by e-mail directly to: 

in order to be valid.

After reservation is confirmed and until 5 weeks prior to departure: 
We charge a non-refundable 50% of the reservations and land arrangement costs + costs of non-refundable portion of flights tickets (in cases where flight tickets have been purchased as well), when DreamFox Voyages receives cancellations between 5 and 2 weeks prior to the departure date.

After reservation is confirmed and later than 2 weeks prior to departure:
We charge a non-refundable 100% of the reservations and land arrangement costs + costs of non-refundable portion of flights tickets (in cases where flight tickets have been purchased as well), when DreamFox Voyages receives cancellations later than 2 weeks prior to the departure date.

We will of course try our best to re-book any tours and excursions (free of charge) in the possible situations, within the mentioned travel period.

However, as this is not something that we can guarantee, we strongly recommend all our guests to make sure to obtain travel insurance, before departure, that will cover any loss in case they need to cancel tours with us.

Changes in itineraries, tours, routes, time tables, etc.

Itineraries, tours, activities, routes, etc. may be decided to have necessary delays, shortened or changes to them along the way, either from DreamFox Voyages, a captain, a guide, etc., if mentioned parties should not find it safe or responsible to continue, such as in regards to change in weather conditions, terrain conditions, or due to reasons outside and beyond our control.


In such unfortunate events, you as the participating traveller, or any parties that you may represent who will be using DreamFox Voyages services, such as the company you are working for, or your client/s, etc., agree to that DreamFox Voyages, along with our partners, suppliers, etc., reserves the right to alter any of the above mentioned examples, such as itineraries, tours, activities, routes, time tables, schedules, meeting points, etc., which may be necessary based on weather conditions, terrain conditions or any other unforeseen conditions beyond our control.  


Compensation for any changes made to above mentioned examples of potential situations and cases, cannot be expected, however, we will of course try our best to look into each case individually for our guests in order to try to provide with the best experience.

In regards to the above mentioned examples, we also want to emphasize on the fact that Greenland is a destination that is extremely weather conditional dependent, due to being located in the arctic.

Due to weather conditions and limited capacity, this may cause delays in flight traffic, tours, time tables, activities, etc, potentially resulting in having to purchase extra unforeseen accommodation and/or transportation not foreseen in the originally planned itineraries and programme.

By using DreamFox Voyages, such expenses MUST be paid directly by the guests themselves.

DreamFox Voyages cannot accept any responsibility, economic or otherwise for such changes.

We will of course try our best to see if it is possible to continue any interrupted or delayed tours, activities, etc., at a later stage, however, again, this is not something that we can guarantee.


In the unlikely event of a complaint, you as the participating traveller, or any parties that you may represent who will be using DreamFox Voyages services, such as the company you are working for, or your customer/s, client/s, etc., are obliged to inform and make DreamFox Voyages aware about the conditions and contents of the complaint, immediately.

If the issue is not settled on spot, a written complaint is necessary to be sent to DreamFox Voyages, within 10 days after the trip, otherwise you as the participating traveller, or any parties that you may represent who will be using DreamFox Voyages services, such as the company you are working for, or your client/s, etc., will lose the right to any possible compensation and your complaint will become void.

Most conveniently for all parties, would be to try to solve the matter and situation locally with the parties involved and on the spot.

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